jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2016

Things that I like of Mexico and things that dont

Hello people
Today I´m going to tell you the things that I like of mexico first:
1. The beautiful places we have in all the country.
 A beautiful beach scene in Tulum, Mexico.
A beautiful beach scene in Tulum, Mexico
The Grand Pyramid at Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico.
The Grand Pyramid at Chichen Itxa, Yucatan, Mexico
2. The very interesting culture that people around the world want to meet at the diferent festival and events.
Ballet Folklórico in Mexico City
3. The delicious food Mexico have since the prehispanice times. If you really like food Mexican food will not be an expection.

 Resultado de imagen para mexican food
And here are the things I dont about Mexico: 
1. The corruption the country have and specially the president because he dont have the knowledge to be a president.
Resultado de imagen para corruption mexico
2. The violence cartels do, like drug dealers and criminal make the country feel insegure in some places.
Resultado de imagen para criminales
3. That ther is alot of poverty in the west side of Mexico and that afects to the economy and the progess of the country.
Resultado de imagen para pobreza

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